It is such a grim, rainy afternoon that the only option is to stay home, drink mint tea and watch old movies.
Pamela Franklin as Sandy. How come I didn't look like this at school? |
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969) is an interesting film which offers:
- a young, awesome Maggie Smith;
- great shots of Edinburgh that make it look sunny; and
- food for thought about what outlets people can find if they don't let themselves experience what they want to.
It is based on a
novel by Muriel Spark that is apparently worth a go too. A friend described it as a smart, Scottish, 60s Cruel Intentions. Which I don't quite agree with, but it alliterates.
This film also has great 'late 60s does 1930s' style and lots of cute school uniforms, berets and trench coats. It also has Pamela Franklin as Sandy, making Harry Potter glasses look hot and doing life studies sittings for her art teacher. Where do I get some glasses like that?
Some key shots of the best outfits and scenes in the film below - enjoy!