Whew! Just back from a very busy trip to Copenhagen. Not much sleep was had, but I danced, stayed out late, wore fur, bought an orange backpack (see picture) and ate steak tartar on ryebread. All in all, a very good trip.
I'll do a proper post about Copenhagen soon, but for now all I want to say is how ridiculous it is to see so many otherwise normal and sophisticated people are posting incoherent hatred about the news that Margaret Thatcher died this morning.
I think Britain would be in a sorry state geopolitically, socially and economically if she hadn't enacted her political programme, but I don't think she was flawless. I respect her opponents if their opposition is thought out and not based on vitriol, but my timeline seems to be full of ranting hipsters who don't know their history. If you have posted a comment about Margaret Thatcher today, but know that deep down you don't really know anything about the politics of the time except that you *ought* to hate her, then I implore you to read this.
Do it!!
Ok, back to normal programming.
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