Wow, we're in the dying days of 2019 and I am 34. How odd that I am still returning to this little blog at this age. It doesn't seem very becoming, does it....?
For ladies of my age who got the internet while they were in high school, fashion blogging has always held a very mystical allure. I have started many new sites, drafted many posts, got my boyfriend to take many many awkward pictures of me in nice outfits that I later deleted because I'm not a model and I don't look like one.
I've tried to game what advertisers might pay for, drafted guides to my favourites cities and shops and then deleted the whole thing at 5am the next morning because I woke up in a cold sweat that someone from work or my actual life might find it and laugh at me (or wonder why I wasn't spending those hours thinking about more professional things).
I have literally bought my laptop on holiday because I thought I was a digital nomad and could document my trip - of course I didn't! And I have hard drives full of photo flat-lays of the things I bought on those trips.
It's all a bit sad really because I LOVE keeping diaries and I adore visual inspiration but I just keep getting stage fright about putting myself out there.
But now I'm old and I don't think I need to worry any more. Not only am I 34 but I am also about 25% above a healthy weight. Not a time to start putting pictures of myself on the internet. But as a new decade gift to myself I have decided to just post. The chances of any one ever making it to this page are so tiny that I have decided that I can afford to relax.
SO... from now on, I'll be stuffing this site full of photos and memories from my trips, documenting my lifelong tug of war with obesity and sharing pictures of the things and people that inspire me. I'll also be talking a bit about my journey trying to get value and wear out of my clothes and beauty routine as a 30 something who had a bit of disposable income but needs to pay off her mortgage.
If anyone else ever reads this and enjoys it, leave me a comment. Unless you know me in real life, in which case back away :)